Ano Natsu de Matteru 09 – notes and the like

I only have about one thing that actually worth a note, but this episode is so awesome I’ll use that as an excuse to write a post about it.



Rinon is showing a whole set of emotions, which is (at least in my opinion) somewhat weird for something that’s supposed to be just a communication interface. Ichika tells the others about her fears of the Men in Black and of getting dissected. It’s cute.


I don’t know if this “now that’s a lie” line (それは嘘です sore wa uso desu) is a reference to something or not. It might as well be.


Sleepover at Kanna’s! Yay! The writers really like to emphasize Kanna’s emotions by only showing the lower half of her face.


The station scene lines are the most typical stock phrases from movies you could imagine, but I don’t know if it’s a reference to any particular one. (His (day)dreams are really dramatic.) I thought that the train to another galaxy would be a reference to Galaxy Express 999, but that’s a steam train as far as I know. Also, the Andromeda galaxy is 2.6 million light years away.


I phrased the “remember yesterday” line as I did to make it a HammerFall reference.


We get a flashback from their elementary school days, when Kaito transferred to Kanna’s class. Love at first sight? I know the feel.

The book on screen is the Roadmap of Shinshu. Shinshu (信州 shinshuu) is another name for Nagano, where the series takes place. Shinshu is in turn another phrase for Shinano-no-kuni (信濃国 shinano-no-kuni), which is the old name for the area that is the modern Nagano province. The green film boxes are not for the Polaroid camera, at least according to my little googling, but the for his handheld videocamera. Fujichrome R25N, Single-8 film.


After seeing Kaito in the rain, Kanna decides to make a move.

I'd comfort her


Kanna isn’t the only one crying.


“Happy ending” is a relative thing. But at least the nanomachines worked.

This entry was posted by Vale.

3 thoughts on “Ano Natsu de Matteru 09 – notes and the like

  1. The train is definitely a Leiji Matsumoto send up, but I think the actual visuals ended up being the “Galaxy Railways” version from the early 2000s rather than the content reference of Galaxy Express 999. So it’s probably better a homage than a direct cribbing. Still, I lol’d pretty hard.

    I also liked the way the group dealt with the revelation of Ichika’s existence as an alien. They pointed out that no one would believe them anyway. They’d be right about that, haha. Also, Tetsuro with the perfectly timed “can I look around?”. When else would you ever get that chance in life? (Plus, he already was wanting the teleport ability, haha)

    Another great episode from a great series. Really been enjoying it, and thanks for the hard work!

    • I thought they used steam tanks in those series as well. At least I couldn’t find any such “modern” trains with my quick googling. Do you have any screenshots by chance?

    • It’s been years since I saw Galaxy Railways. I really thought they’d actually gone away from the steam-engine bit, but I guess I was wrong (from looking around Google). Though I think it’s more a combination of “off the shelf train design” + homage. The Ano Natsu ep 9 train has a weapon mounted on top of the first car, so it’s definitely a Leiji send up.

      Actually, I think the specific design is more like the 777 (see here: ). Which explains why I kept thinking I’d seen that, but it’s not the actually 999. So it’s actually “slightly more obscure homage” than I thought.

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