Who we are


Editor, timer, typesetter at Commie.


Translator at Commie.


Translator at more groups than it is convenient to list.


Editor, timer, typesetter at Commie, gg and Underwater.



We’re always looking for nice and enthusiastic people to write reviews!

21 thoughts on “Who we are

      • :O is that so, well I spotted some mistakes on pomf, oh well no one’s perfect, actually nice translations from pomf and shi0n, Idk about commie though

          • 🙂 I don’t know but on one line on episode two where Nana is talking about momo being like an innocent girl, then the next line was about Momo pretending to be like an innocent cat, but actually on pomf the line was mistranslated, anyways, it was still great 😀 since I’ve been loving pomf’s translations, also shi0n’s on tlrd

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