Translation review: [Hadena] Busou Shinki 01

There’s a major problem with reviewing Hadena’s release: how am I supposed to read it at all? The font and the color make the text unreadable.

So to me it looks like Hadena stole Commie’s script, raped the English and “styled” it unreadable. How cunning.

The opening’s left untranslated.

She retorts by pointing out that (she thinks) they pulled a surprise attack on her. Hadena manages to miss the point. Next line missing.

Ending not translated either.

Conclusion: Avoid

I kinda just skipped through the script once I realized that they copied Commie’s script. I guess you can call that “translation checking” – knowing the usual “translation” quality of Hadena releases, copying is possibly the only way to improve. They fixed the two mistakes in Commie’s release but added in a bunch of others and made the script unreadable by “editing” and “styling” it. Also, I disapprove of claiming others’ work as your own. Avoid.

This entry was posted by Vale.

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